In most projects, it is wise to work from the OTAP method (Development, Test, Acceptance and Production). How to quickly put a copy on another server (and domain) from the development environment. There are, of course, several methods for migrating. Here below we describe 1 .

WordPress rapid migration :

  • 1. Download all files (that are e.g. in public_html or private_html) with an ftp program. You can use the free ftp program filezilla for this purpose :
  • 2. Back up the database. This can be done through phpmyadmin. Only if you have a large database then it is recommended to use another program for this purpose (There are numerous programs available. E.g. Navicat for mysql, MySQL Workbench etc.. or the free script BigDump)
  • 3. Upload the files to your new server (and domain) using the ftp program. In most cases this is the same folder (e.g. public_html or private_html)
  • 4. Import the database on your new server
  • 5. In the wp-config.php file, modify the database information
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    /** MySQL database username */
    /** MySQL database password */
    /** MySQL hostname */
    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
  • 6. In the database in table wp_options, adjust the value of siteurl with the new domain. ( to e.g. new
  • 7. You can now log in to the backend of your website
  • 8. In some cases, certain reference to the old domain in the content and/or media files should be replaced with the new domain. You can use this plugin for this purpose :
  • 9. Should some plugins use a root reference, you should adjust this in many cases you can deactivate this plugin and reactivate it again. This will usually automatically update the new root reference.
  • 10. Other obstacles may be certain directory permissions (cache/upload) that you may still need to adjust when they are uploaded on your new server.

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