The Revolution of Development and AI: A New Era of Creativity and Innovation

The pace at which the world is changing seems immense, and many can barely keep up. This is certainly true for developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). We are in the fourth industrial revolution, where AI will influence countless processes.

Whether one is a programmer, copywriter, video editor, designer, lawyer, analyst, or doctor (etc..), AI will have an impact everywhere. It is often said that Pandora's box has been opened. Change is always difficult for humans, with fear of the unknown playing a significant role. Everything has a positive and negative side.

Our assumption is that AI is now a tool that will drastically change the way we work. The overall vision for developing an application, software, and the creative idea still comes from humans. AI can increasingly reproduce anything that has already been done to some extent. However, fully out-of-the-box thinking is still something only humans can do. AI will take over repetitive tasks and much of the rhetoric, challenging us to delve deeper and come up with new concepts.

The role of the developer is also changing. The full-stack developer is becoming increasingly important. We seek someone who is aware of developments in AI and can see the bigger picture. This person can develop ideas and guide the process using software architecture patterns and design patterns. This ensures that the application remains manageable and can be easily expanded and maintained.

Given that an application can consist of various programming languages that work together, and each component that needs to be built normally requires more people with in-depth knowledge, this can now perhaps be done by 1 or 2 full-stack developers. They can build components for the entire application more quickly.

Combinations of animations, video, and 3D are now also easier to achieve, especially if a developer has a broad interest and enjoys playing with all these aspects. Although AI is present, one still needs to know the insights and principles to build something from scratch. The role of the developer is becoming more extensive: not only writing a script but also acting as a "total creator." One must be able to develop and realize an idea within a small team that can see the bigger picture and provide creative input to keep development time as efficient as possible.

This can also boost development and creativity because we can work faster and more efficiently with much smaller teams, and we have a lot of knowledge and possibilities. If we focus our mindset not on the fear of change but on creativity and exploring new ideas, we can reach a higher level. This allows us to leave the rhetoric behind and focus more on creativity, making something beautiful, and further developing ourselves.