
What is caching (in brief)

You want your visitors to have a good user experience, and for that, it is necessary for your website to load quickly. Utilewebsites can host your website so that it is optimized to load quickly for all visitors or we can think with you how to speed up your existing website at the server level and code level. Besides speeding up the website, caching also reduces the load on your server.

Cache (temporary memory)

A cache (pronounced kesh or kash, from the English word "cache," stock or store) is a repository in which data is temporarily stored to allow faster access to it. Essential of a cache is also that it is transparent in the sense that when data is retrieved, it is not visible whether it is retrieved from the original source or retrieved from the cache, apart from the short access time.

Storing data on a faster medium to access it faster is called caching. The term cache is usually used for both the data being cached and the repository where this data is cached.

(Source wikipedia : )

Magento caching

Magento has its own caching system and several constructions are possible in it. Using Varnish in Magento 2 is definitely recommended.

More about Magento caching see :

What is varnish? see https://en.wikipe

WordPress caching

WordPress has several plugins that allow you to cache your site. Below we highlight 2 plugins.

Wp Fastest Cache : This plugin is quite easy to install and configure. For most sites, everything will render super fast in no time

W3 Total Cache: If you can use certain server techniques, we recommend this plugin. Configuring it is a bit trickier than Wp Fastest Cache though

Other WordPress caching plugins include :

WP Rocket (premium)
Cache Enabler (free)
Comet Cache (free + premium)
WP Super Cache (free)
Hyper Cache (free)

Many caching plugins also work well with cloudflare. With cloudflare, you increase your site's security and performance. More about cloudflare :

Caching For custom applications :

For this you can first use your server, in addition there are also options to modify your code so that it can use a caching system.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities ? If so, please contact with us